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Bears Vote Coalition

The University of Northern Colorado Bears Vote Coalition actively champions voter and civic engagement initiatives for the UNC campus community. The Coalition is responsible for ensuring that voter engagement efforts are non-partisan, coordinated and promoted throughout the institution, legally compliant, and in strategic alignment with student learning outcomes and Rowing, Not Drifting 2030.

We pride ourselves in making voting accessible to the UNC Community. Colorado has facilitated a mail-in ballot process since 2013 and our campus hosts a Weld County Voter Service and Polling Center, as well as a 24-Hour Ballot Drop-off Location. Since 2016, UNC has participated in the ALL IN Campus Democracy Challenge, and has been recognized for our voter turnout.

Be Prepared to Vote

  1. Take the pledge to vote. Make a public commitment and encourage your friends to vote, too!
  2. Check your eligibility. To register to vote in Colorado, you must:
    • Be 18 years of age or older by Election Day,
    • Be a United States citizen,
    • Have resided in Colorado 22 days immediately before the election at which you intend to vote, and
    • Not currently be serving a sentence of confinement or detention for a felony conviction. Note: You can only vote once per election cycle, in one location.
  3. Check your registration.
  1. Register to vote. Students attending UNC have the right to register and vote in Colorado if they reside here and meet the eligibility requirements. For more information about voting as a college student in Colorado, visit the Colorado Secretary of State site.
  2. Make a plan to vote. Research issues and candidates, schedule time to fill out your ballot, and arrange transportation, if you need it. Having a voting plan helps ensure you can cast your ballot and address any potential barriers early.
  3. Vote Early or Vote on Election Day! Know your election rules and rights. Fun fact: your UNC Bear ID is a valid form of Colorado Voter ID.

Can I vote if I...

Have a disability?

Yes. Every voter has the right to cast a private and independent ballot. The ADA requires public entities to ensure that people with disabilities can access voting facilities.

Am currently unhoused?

Yes. Every eligible voter has the right to vote in Colorado. Voters without a fixed permanent address can use alternative physical and mailing addresses for registration purposes.

Am active military or living overseas?

Yes. Colorado citizens living outside the US and all active military personnel absent from Colorado are eligible to register and vote by mail.

  1. Increase registered voters in the UNC community and voter turnout
  2. Increase non-partisan civic education, voter education, and political discourse programming and initiatives
  3. Regularly engage key campus partners in the procedural and logistical parts of voting on campus to make sure that students, faculty, and staff know how to vote, where to vote, and local election laws
  4. Strengthen partnership between the University and local elections officials and community organizations
  5. Receive designation as a Voter Friendly Campus

Election Stress

Election stress is real. Take care of yourself and fellow bears by using some of these resources and strategies.



  1. Take a Break
    • Limit consumption of news and social media.
    • Set boundaries and time limits on media consumption to stay informed without checking every update throughout the day.
    • When you unplug, do something enjoyable like spend time with loved ones, go outside, or exercise.
  2. Recharge
    • Rest, eat, and stay hydrated.
    • Practice mindfulness and grounding.
  3. Connect
    • Engage with friends and allies to talk about current issues, if needed.
    • Call a friend, write a note, or share gratitude. Connecting with others can decrease anxiety and loneliness, foster solidarity, and build strong communities.
  4. Take Action
    • Channel your stress into action.
    • Participate in community service.
    • Advocate for change.
    • Learn about how to navigate difficult conversations through participation in the Constructive Dialogue Institute's Perspectives program. Email dsa@gener8co.com if you would like to participate in this free initiative.

Our Stats

Our Bears are active voters! In the 2020 Presidential Election, approximately 80% of UNC students voted. Learn more details about UNC Bears’ student registration and voting rates, through the National Study of Learning, Voting, and Engagement. UNC is one of more than 1200 campuses that participates in the NSLVE.

UNC'S 2022 NSLVE REPORTUNC's 2020 NSLVE ReportUNC's 2018 NSLVE Report